Friday 13 June 2008

Yet another stringed instrument doodled on!

Hi there, here is yet another customised guitar! I really enjoyed doing this one (plus I love drawing skulls , and this was a nice excuse!) I'll start drawing on just paper and wood now...!

Thursday 12 June 2008

The Kraken- Bass guitar/myth-squid madness!

Hi there,

Here is another customised guitar, this one didn't take as long as the other (seeming as I made most of the mistakes on the Fender!) An acoustic is coming soon...!

Friday 6 June 2008

potato head

Here is a little experiment with painting and pen work, I think I'll be having a go at a few more of these (maybe with smaller heads though...!)

Thursday 5 June 2008

The guitars have eyes

Here is a Fender I have recently customised. It took quite a while to get done, with little setbacks here and there, but it is finally finished! It was a challenging experience, but a rewarding one. I think the carbon fiber helps bring it along too! Expect some more guitar artwork soon...(hopefully!)