Tuesday 30 September 2008

The Red Fist

The Red Fist, originally uploaded by SteTop.

Arrrr! Here be a pirate me laddies!

Saturday 27 September 2008

The Woodsman

The Woodsman, originally uploaded by SteTop.

Here is a rather ominous looking fellow. but don't fret; he only beheads wee beasties that eat his cabbages!

Thursday 25 September 2008

Two streams

two-streams, originally uploaded by SteTop.

There's always one isn't there?! Just couldn't hold it in; he obviously hasn't got two bladders as well...!

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Demonic hair mistress

Demonic hair mistress, originally uploaded by SteTop.

This charming lady carries around dismembered body parts to feed her demonic hair! That's what you call nourishing your roots!

Thursday 18 September 2008


Pandemonium, originally uploaded by SteTop.


Here is a fun illustration to escape all the darker images I've been making recently. Just trying to rebel against the relentless winter that's approaching (hence the jolly colours!)

Thursday 11 September 2008

Illustration Friday: clutter

clutter, originally uploaded by SteTop.


Here is another entry to IF, I thought I would link it to the set of characters I am doing at the moment. Thanks for looking!

Monday 8 September 2008


Struttermass, originally uploaded by SteTop.


Here is another delightful fellow who likes to steal bodies and possess them; happy days!

Tuesday 2 September 2008

The Cherub killer

cherub-killer_flat, originally uploaded by SteTop.

Hi there!
Here is a delightful little fello who (you guessed it) likes to kill cherubs! Expect more in this style in the coming months (hopefully a little cheerier though!)